I am a sucker for facial hair. Dirty, filthy, prickly, bushy, unkempt, hell, even Amish, just let me nuzzle it. Every Christmas season, I fully expect to be arrested for mauling the Salvation Army Santa, but he always turns out to kinda like it (in a way that inevitably makes me run off crying in horror, but still, win-win, I say!).
Turns out Santa came a wee bit early this year to yer ol' Babs. While enjoying a ritual glass (or two) of Chimay at the Pint with Betty Boom Boom (one of our roving reporters), we made a delightful observation-- well over 85% of the brothers in the building were sporting some form of glorious facial hair!
Once we noticed this growing LA trend, we couldn't stop. Everywhere we looked, we saw face muff. Not a smooth visage in the house! We were smart enough to have a camera on hand, and were able to capture some of these Metro-roughnecks in the wild, which I'll provide at the end for your viewing enjoyment (you'll see we also stumbled on another growing trend, the Ugly Sweater Party, which will be featured in tandem). Thankfully, Betty's got a sunny disposition (and by "sunny disposition," I mean a sweet set of cans) and our subjects seem more than happy to oblige.
There seemed to be a real art form to the style and presentation of this facial hair, and we managed to identify some key categories:
There's a guy I dated briefly a few years back who never took his hat off. Ever. I mean, it was some Leif Garrett kind of shit.
I suspect that facial hair serves the same purpose for a lot of hideously ugly guys who can't get laid. Broads, be careful out there when you're zeroing in on one of these subjects. It's the modern-day version of kissing a bunch of frogs to find a prince, except that by the time you realized you kissed a bad one, he has all of your phone numbers, e-mail address and knows where you live.

This guy is so gorgeous that he has to devise a test in order to find true love or some shit. Will she still love me if I look like a transient, and my face has greasy bits of fried chicken stuck to it from the meal I got out of a dumpster 4 days ago? Who cares, I'm fucking awesome under here.
The Overgroomer
As a general rule of thumb, the only grooming that good facial hair should require is some basic neck maintenance, to keep your face hair from blending into your carpet chest or back. This simple task is impossible to fuck up, takes no more than 30 seconds and simply prevents you from being mistaken for a Wookie or a Yeti.
But that is IT, folks. I'm serious. No chinstraps, soul patches, goatees, mutton chops, Fu Manchus, NONE OF IT.

You might as well just carve lightning-bolts into your fade for all I care. You're just trying too hard, and there's something very fussy and effete about it. I was surprised to see quite a few of these specimens at the Pint. I was not surprised, though, to find that they weren't getting laid.
If facial hair grooming takes you longer than it takes me to put on some lip gloss, give your face a Brazilian and move on.
The Non-Committal
There seemed to be a lot of specimens in this category. These guys have skipped the shave for a minimum of three days or so, but they never seem to really move beyond a week of growth-- some mysterious force snaps them back to the Bic.
This type of facial hair requires very little effort or commitment. It's almost not even worth categorizing. It's like these guys tipped their toe in the Trend Pool and then went back to the clubhouse to get their floaties. Meanwhile, all of these burly bears got to splashing around in their kiddie pool, getting the drains all clogged up with their majestic matted hair.
These Non-Committals could be moved by any combination of these inspirations:
I'm lazy and I want chicks to think I don't give a shit.
It's my little "fuck you" to Corporate America.
I've been on a junk binge for four days and shaving isn't top of mind.
I look really good with a 5 0'clock shadow, but after a week I look like I have Mange.
I don't want to be the first guy my age with a beard so I'm gonna sit here with these skinny jeans on and see what everyone else does.
My ex-girlfriend told me I look really sexy this way.
Chris Martin looks really sexy this way.
It's an effective prop to illustrate how long I've been cooped up in my editing bay working on the most recent M. Night Shayamlan project.
The list is not exhaustive, my friends, and the categories are endless, but my Spiked Egg Nog is getting warm, and I don't know how I feel about room-temperature dairy products. Decide for yourselves which categories we discovered below, and be sure to hug a loved one this holiday season.
in general...not nearly as beardy as i like. the guy in the cap is the hairiest, and thus the hottest by my estimation. and i must say i am really disturbed by the ugly christmas sweater party trend. i thought it was a fantastic idea when i first heard about it...until i saw the resulting images. i discovered that silly horrible sweaters/turtlenecks/combos have a turnoff factor as high as chunky gold jewelry, tapered jeans, and republicans. true, it's costume, but....shudder. i'm not sure why colin firth can pull off this hideous look, but he sure as hell is the only one.
Funny shit... would it be awkward to admit that I'll be thinking of you the next time I shower (and therefore shave)? I'm now a committed follower. If only for the music.
I'm right there with you. It's the guy who really went for the beard that reeled you in! He's no fence-sitter! Besides, all of the other guys with bushy beards were just way too old. It's like they had to have facial hair to keep from looking like child molesters.
Also, I almost made the mistake of hosting a Sweater Party until I realized it was the thing everyone was doing this year. You gotta admit, though, that Prince Christmas sweatshirt stole the show. Get another look at it.
Hey, if it's the music that keeps you coming back, I'll take it! See you on Twitter, whenever I figure out what the hell that even is. :)
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