Jungle Juice? Hey, it's me.
How are you? Good, that's good. Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm cool. No, I was just-- no, were you gonna say something? Uh, no. *** sigh ***
*** awkward silence ***
I was just going to say it was really good to see you on Friday. It's-- yeah, it's been a while. What, God, my 21st birthday? Whoo! Yeah, I know, right? Man, we had some good times that night. And that one St. Patrick's Day party a couple years back, when we ran out of Bailey's for the Car Bombs? I know, God. Neither one of us were expecting what happened after that.
It's just, uhm. Like, Halloween on Friday was really awesome, but I don't want you to think that it's back on or anything. No! I'm sure you didn't think it was, it's just-- it's really painful to run into you like that, Jungle Juice. I mean, it's really painful. I've been in pain all weekend, and I just-- I don't think I can see you anymore.
Clearly I can't control myself when I'm around you, and you completely take advantage of me. At first I think I can play it cool with you, you know? Stay in control? Well you and I both know I'm never strong enough. By the time I realize you've crept back into my life, it's too late. The next thing I know I'm trying to find Dignity, who totally takes off with Morals and Moderation every time you're around, and then WHAM! I wake up five hours later on the freezing bathroom floor tile, curled up in the fetal position in my Blade Runner costume, shivering in my own sweat, wondering how I could have let you leave me cold and alone, like you always do.
Well, I'm calling to tell you I can't do it anymore, JJ. Listen, you're really sweet. You make me feel so good sometimes but I just can't trust myself to resist you. When you leave me, it hits me hard, and I just can't handle the pain anymore. I need you out of my life for good. So this is goodbye. Goodbye forever, JJ.